How to Manifest a Boyfriend – Using Scripting Manifestation 

(If I can manifest a boyfriend, so can you!)

Are you currently single? Feeling lonely and wishing for a boyfriend? Perhaps you are stuck in a less-than-ideal relationship hoping it will evolve and improve so you don’t have to leave. (this was me)

Maybe you’re feeling as if you are on your last ounce of hope and stumbled across this article. Worry no more as I will offer you a simple 5-step system on how to manifest a boyfriend.

If you are curious about my story, keep reading or skip to the simple 5-step system.

two swans creating a heart shape on a lake
Photo by Trevor John Williams on Unsplash

How I Manifested My Dream Boyfriend

A few years ago I was in a long-term toxic relationship. I was lost. I believed I would be forever alone if I left my ex; who contributed to this negative mindset. Unhappy in my situation, I began working on my mindset and health as much as possible. 

After working on myself, something inside me felt that things needed to change. Having already manifested small things before, I finally decided to use it for something substantial. 

Sitting down, I cleared my mind and pulled out my manifestation journal. I wrote about my ideal relationship and partner in the present tense, without using a name. Making sure to include my feelings and how I was treated. Reading over it, I shed tears of relief as I closed my eyes, picturing being in the warm embrace of this mysterious person. 

I put away my notebook with the comfort that this relationship would be in my future in some form. Ready to allow this to be an evolved version of my current relationship, still not set on leaving at the time.

candle, coffee and journal depicting the setting of scripting manifestation, which will be used in manifesting a boyfriend
Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

Shortly after this, push came to shove and the relationship dissipated. I met people here and there as I healed from the previous relationship, doing my best to keep a positive mind.

My Results 

Suddenly out of nowhere, an old childhood friend contacted me and we reconnected. We instantly clicked, we hung out in person and couldn’t stop talking for hours. Our morals aligned and he was so kind. I finally felt safe and comfortable, which couldn’t be said for my previous encounters. 

Long story short we are nearing 2 years together and have moved in together. Shortly into the relationship, I recalled my scripting experience. Something about the emotions I was experiencing in the relationship reminded me of this. 

I dug up my notebook and read what I had written. My new relationship was exactly what I had scripted, down to every detail. This all happened within 1 year of scripting ONCE.

If this can happen for me, then it can for you. So many people are manifesting love every day using various methods. Today I will lay out exactly what I did to manifest my ideal boyfriend.

happy looking couple, what you can have if you manifest a boyfriend
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Regardless of your situation, you can use this simple 5-step system to bring you closer to the relationship of your dreams. Whether it is with your current partner, a friend, or someone you have never met. I prefer leaving the person up to a higher power or chance but you can attract someone specific if you wish. I will explain the differences in outcome later.

The Simple 5-Step System: How To Manifest a Boyfriend

1. Define Exactly What You Want (I used scripting to do this)

First, grab a notebook and find somewhere quiet and private. Maybe pour yourself a cup of tea or light a candle to set the mood. 

Begin thinking about your ideal relationship. Ask yourself what kind of partner you want: What are their morals and ideals? How would they treat you? What type of lifestyle do they live? 

You can include more superficial aspects such as appearance or style if that is important to you.

Write about how it feels to be with them, their traits, and what you love about them in the present tense. Imagine that you already have this relationship. Let the words flow onto the paper and allow yourself to feel that it is real. Include as much detail as possible.

Once you finish writing, read over it aloud or in your mind and experience the emotions involved. Feel free to date this entry to remember when you wrote it. 

gratitude journal, says today i am grateful on the cover, something you can use to write your manifestations in
Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

Remember: If you are writing to attract a specific person they may not have all the traits you want. This is why I think leaving the person open-ended is better as who you think you want may not be the best match for you. Since we are all individuals with free will, you cannot (or should not) attempt to control another person’s behavior.

2. Visualize It and Feel The Emotions.

After your scripting session, you may perform a short meditation to set your desires in stone.

  • Find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed for the next several minutes.
  • Take a comfortable seat and close your eyes. Begin to focus on slowing your breathing. 
  • Take several breaths here until you feel relaxed, consciously releasing tension in any area of your body. 
  • Begin to picture yourself experiencing what you scripted: picture this mystery person treating you exactly the way you want. Truly allow your mind to dive into these scenarios and swim around in them. 
  • You should naturally feel the emotions related to these interactions. Maybe it is fulfillment, comfort, happiness, excitement, or love. Stay in these moments for as long as you wish (10+ minutes is a good amount of time). 
  • Finally, slowly bring your attention back to your breathing and count several deep breaths until you feel ready to open your eyes. 
woman meditating at a cliff
Photo by Milan Popovic on Unsplash

Use this as the time to pray to any higher power you believe in. Whatever comes more naturally to you should be the course of action.

Congratulations! The active manifesting portion is over.

3. Believe That It Is Coming

This may be quite obvious but you must have faith and believe that this person is coming into your life, trust in divine timing. You have made your desires clear and they will come to you at a perfect time. Believing in divine timing or “fate” should alleviate the need for control you may have over how or when this love interest will arise. 

The belief that you are surrendering to forces greater than you will allow things to play out more smoothly. You have already done the work necessary for this to happen, you have set the wheels in motion. Sit back and relax.

4. Detach

Now that you have completed the actions of manifestation, it is time to detach from the process and outcome. You do not want to constantly obsess over the idea of finding a boyfriend, it will dampen your mindset around this.

Only accepting things to happen in one way will create blockages that may stop your manifestations from coming true. You may be blocking the flow of events that allow your desires into your life.

Detaching doesn’t mean you’re apathetic towards the outcome. It is a deep understanding that your desire will manifest in your life in the best way possible for you. Happiness regardless of your current circumstances will manifest circumstances that evoke happiness.  

5. Focus Inward and Learn To Be Content in Solitude

Finally, begin to shift your focus inward, to your mindset and mental health. This is yes, your final step but it will be an ongoing process. Spend extra time cultivating your hobbies and meditating. Bringing yourself closer to your ideal self will help you manifest your ideal life.

Instead of putting energy into things that are out of your control, put energy into yourself, your self-image, and your path. Let go of things that do not serve the highest version of yourself. What would the ideal version of yourself be doing day to day? How would you behave? 

Slowly begin shifting your thoughts and behaviors in this direction. This will allow the flow of manifestation to come easier for you and assist you in everything you want to achieve. 

hands over chest, depicting reflecting inwards and self-care
Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash


Although this article is about how to manifest a boyfriend, I also believe it’s important to focus on leveling up and living as the ideal version of yourself. You want to be at the level of the one you want to attract. So make sure not to neglect yourself and make room for self-care. Living every day with gratitude and mindfulness is the key to happiness.

To learn more about manifestation, check out this article.

If you want to learn how to manifest using SATS (as well as some scripting prompts), you can download my free one-week manifestation workbook!